IIfGS Publication
Valentin Beinroth – International Institute for General Survey, Vol. 1
Published by DISTANZ Berlin
The book is published on occasion of the tenth anniversary of the International Institute for General Survey (IIfGS), which Beinroth helped found in 2012, and includes a history of the institute’s early years as well as a wealth of information on research projects and expeditions.
On this occation a special signed edition was launched containing original objects from the expedition.
Hessische Kulturstiftung Grant
Valentin Beinroth receives a project grant as part of the funding program “Hessen kulturell neu eröffnen” (reopening Hesse culturally)
Hessische Kulturstiftung Grant
Valentin Beinroth receives a grant as part of the “Kulturpaket II: Perspektiven öffnen, Vielfalt sichern (Cultural Package II: Opening Perspectives, Securing Diversity”.
Stiftung Kunstfonds Grant 2020
Valentin Beinroth receives a grant as part of “NeustartKultur”.

The work “Optical-Path-Sculpture-Apparatus” won the Kunst-am-Bau-competition (German Percent-for-Art program) for the CIGL in Giessen, Germany.
Optical-Path-Sculpture-Apparatus (OPSA) No. 01 – 03
Kunst-am-Bau-project (German Percent-for-Art program) for the CIGL research building (Center for Infection and Genomics of the Lung) of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
see Optical-Path-Sculpture-Apparatus (OPSA) No. 01 – 03
Work scholarship from the State of Hesse
On behalf of the State of Hesse, the Hessian Cultural Foundation is providing work scholarships (2. Mastering the Transition) 2020
Publication Grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds
24. September 2019
Valentin Beinroth receives a publication grant from Stiftung Kunstfonts
From May to October 2019, the measuring buoy METRIOS 1 will be floating in the river Neckar in Heilbronn.
On Sunday, May 5th, 3 p.m., the measuring sculpture will be deployed into the river Neckar.
Place: Heilbronn, northern tip of the island, Adolf-Cluss-Bridge (near Experimenta Museum)
Opening of three public space art projects
Sunday, May 5th, 2 p.m.
Heilbronn City Hall
Greeting: Harry Mergel, Mayor of the City of Heilbronn
Introduction: Dr. Marc Gundel, Director Städtischen Museen Heilbronn
City Hall inner courtyard: Installation „Gras wachsen lassen“ by Peter Riek
14:30 Bollwerksplatz: Installation „Sie sind hier“ by Simone Demandt
15:00 northern tip of the island: Installation “METRIOS 1” by Valentin Beinroth with performance
Afterwards a drink on the southern tip of the island
The artists are present!